me too

The #MeToo Movement Has Left Child Actors Behind

In 1988, Victor Salva, the director of Clownhouse, was convicted of sexual assault. His victim was Nathan Forrest Winters, a 12-year-old actor. After 15 months in prison, Salva returned to the director’s chair, working with Disney on the movie Powder.[1] This garnered serious backlash, as parents were outraged that Disney, a children’s entertainment company, would […]

#MeToo and the Realities of Power Dynamics in American Society

Power defines nearly all aspects of American society, whether covert or obvious.  It impacts the way in which people behave, shapes workplace environments, and determines relationships between people by granting some power over others who have no choice but to be subordinate.  Historical patterns of domination in this country have put men at the top […]